
Creative Showcase #1: September 2020

Posted 21.09.20

As we enter our 6th month of working remotely, after being forced out of our office in mid-March by the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been reflecting on the incredible work produced by our team who have been working hard together, despite being spread across the globe.

We have had to adapt to new ways of working as well as new ways of celebrating our successes, swapping applause and bubbly in the kitchen for google hangouts and email chains.

We decided to launch a new bi-monthly Creative Showcase to collect together and share some projects we’ve been working on and are proud of and to celebrate our team, the conversations we have and the work we create.

The September Creative Showcase includes a case study on first campaigns with Intersport, our top 5 lockdown campaigns as chosen by the team, an interview with Wilderness’ Animator, Dennis Korycki and an article on the pivoting role of social media during a pandemic by Strategist, Ryan Nair.

To download the showcase simply enter your details below.

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